
Managing a crisis: crucial skills in times of extreme challenge

Working during COVID-10

Managing a crisis


COVID-19 is a unique and historic challenge to organisations and their people. To weather this upheaval, organisations will need to nurture new skills and embrace new behaviours.

To support businesses and leaders in this challenging environment, Lane4 has collated advice and guidance from our experts in one location. We hope the content below is helpful to you and your colleagues.

You can also see how we can support you and your teams through our digital delivery options.

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Leading through crisis

High performing virtual teams

Managing change

Maintaining motivation

Organisational resilience



Virtual learning & development




Working from home

Leading through crisis

With the situation changing every day, leaders don’t have the luxury of making decisions with all the information. Leadership during ambiguity is, therefore, a key skill.

Crisis leadership: Six things leaders can do to guide their people through a crisis

On-demand webinar: Leading through a crisis – how to succeed in the face of adversity

Adrian Moorhouse: Leading in uncertain times

High performing virtual teams

With the chance of office closures growing daily, widespread homeworking could potentially become a reality for the first time in history. Homeworking will impact every individual differently, from building trust over long distances to overcoming the challenges of alignment, as teams switch from physical to virtual.

On-demand webinar: Leading virtual teams – the key to success

Leading virtual teams – the key to success

Leading virtual teams Q&A

How isolation impacts team performance: sociomapping and the visualisation of connectivity

Being on furlough: What can we learn from elite team sports?

On-demand webinar: Virtual working – how to keep teams engaged and connected

Virtual working – maintaining engagement and connection

High performing teams in an increasingly virtual world

The key to keeping your remote teams connected

How to make flexible working a success in your business

How to create trust in virtual teams

Managing change

Whether your organisation is thriving or struggling right now, it’s likely that you and your people are experiencing a lot of change. Getting change right is crucial but it does present some psychological pitfalls for leaders.

On-demand webinar: Bouncing forward – how to lead your people through change

Adrian Moorhouse: Leading through digital transformation

5 tips for delivering difficult change messages

Maintaining motivation

In the midst of so much uncertainty and change, keeping your people motivated has never been harder. Despite this, great employee engagement shouldn’t be seen as a “nice-to-have”.

Maintaining motivation during COVID19

Young people suffer the most from lack of motivation (research)

On-demand webinar: How to keep your people motivated during COVID-19

Same storm, different boats: How to keep your people motivated

Virtual working – maintaining engagement and connection

How to engage and motivate your people at work

Organisational resilience

All organisations, regardless of size, length of existence or reputation can find themselves vulnerable to stalls in growth, decreasing share prices or even complete failure. Building organisational resilience into your business is a way of ensuring it can weather shocks like the coronavirus outbreak.

On-demand webinar: The wiggly world of organisation

The ‘C’ word (no, not COVID-19)


It is undeniable that this pandemic presents a source of stress for many individuals. Each will have their own anxieties, but uncertainty, social upheaval, business performance and personal health fears could create a toxic mixture. It is, therefore, more important than ever that we consider our wellbeing and boost our resilience to emotional challenges.

Wellbeing: Thriving in all aspects of working life

How to create a successful employee wellbeing programme

What are the symptoms of survivor syndrome after redundancies?

Personal resilience: stress and thriving white paper

10 quick strategies for enhancing your resilience

Three ways to build your team’s shield of resilience


Businesses and individuals will need to be able to respond quickly to changing circumstances if they are to thrive in the face of this latest challenge. Adaptability will allow leaders to do this calmly and effectively.

Adaptability: the key skill needed for change

Adaptability in action: how to prepare for returning to the office

Working during COVID-19: How a growth mindset can help

On demand webinar: Why adaptability is the key skill your people need in the next decade

Infographic: Why adaptability is more important than ever

Virtual learning & development

Real learning in the virtual world

Is face-to-face learning dead?

Six fundamentals of virtual learning

How to develop great managers during a pandemic (webinar)





Do you have any other subjects you want to hear about from us? Let us know on social media or in the comments below.

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