
Athlete Transition Programme

Over half of retired athletes have concerns over their mental or emotional well being after moving away from elite sport. Life after sport isn’t always easy, but we have a programme designed to help you through the transition.

Designed in partnership with Sheffield University Psychology Department, the programme is led by Rick Cotgreave and Jenna Woolven, both former international athletes. The programme is also supported by a team of past Olympians including Adrian Moorhouse, Dominic Mahony, and Mark Richardson.

At Lane4, we understand that the transition athletes embark upon as they finish elite sport is often complex and challenging. We are incredibly passionate about supporting people during this period, drawing on extensive experience that includes academic research coupled with practical, first-hand perspectives.

What will you learn?

Our three-day programme raises awareness and understanding of the psychology of athlete transition. It gives people a chance to share personal experiences with fellow athletes and recognise that you’re not alone in coming to terms with an identity shift as you move beyond the world of competitive sport. You will develop personal resilience and mental well-being techniques, as well as exploring how to find meaning in a life and career away from the sporting arena. You will benefit from, and become part of, Lane4’s growing support network for transitioning athletes.

Who is this programme for?

We welcome anyone onto this programme who:

  • Has been through or is going through retirement from elite or professional sport
  • Is interested in exploring the emotional journey of life after sport

The programme is free and a hardship fund is available where travel costs are prohibitive.

Feedback from previous cohorts:

“It’s been eye-opening to look at my career in a different way. It’s helped me to get a new perspective and feel like I am moving on.”
2017 Athlete Transition Programme Participant
“The emotional side of leaving sport is such a big part of retirement, it’s just not touched on in high performance sport. Having open discussions about what your doubts might be was so powerful.” 
2018 Athlete Transition Programme Participant