
Consultant Spotlight: Ben Morrison


Q&A with Ben Morrison

1. What’s your favourite way to answer the question ‘what do you do?’

I help people perform better and be more psychologically healthy at the same time.

2. What is your approach to finding a work-life balance?

To value relationships outside of work more than I value getting work done, and try to make decisions based on that.

3. Describe in three words what makes a good leader

Purpose, passion and integrity.

4. If you could remote-work from any country in the world, where would it be?

The east coast of Australia in the summer is quite a nice place to be. Happy to move along it every couple of months.

5. Which culture, philosophy, or way of life – that is different to yours – do you most admire?

I travelled round South America and stayed with shamans in the rainforest. Seeing the way they understand nature and live in relation to it had a great impact on me.

6. Who was your favourite teacher, role model or mentor when growing-up?

My parents. We had a very tight knit family and they influenced who I am now more than anybody. They didn’t have it easy and managed to create a very happy home.

7. What, or who, was your biggest inspiration when choosing your career route?

I always loved playing sport and was fascinated by the impact the mind has on performance as long as I can remember. When I realised that sport psychology was a career option, I was sold on it pretty easily.

8. Which area of your consulting work do you find the most interesting, and why?

Culture change work because it’s messy, difficult to shift but has a great impact on performance and people throughout an organisation.

9. What are the top 3 personal skills that leaders need to possess, or develop, to lead their organisation into the future?

Openness, courage and vulnerability

10. If you could go back in time and give your 16-year-old self advice, what would it be?

Just enjoy the time of life you’re in now and make the most of it. Don’t wish anything away.

11. If you were stranded on a desert island and were only allowed three items, what would they be and why?

A guitar – I can’t play so learning to do so would keep me busy
A surfboard – Always wanted to learn and surely there would be no better opportunity assuming there are some decent waves
A hammock to get my chill on

12. What’s the number one thing you want to accomplish during your time on Earth?

Making my parents, and my children proud.